What is APEL(C)?
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Credit Award [APEL(C)] is a learning evaluation process (informal and non-formal) of an individual based on cumulative experiences (knowledge and skills) to obtain credit transfer for course(s) in the programme enrolled.
Applicable to:
- Local and International students
- Conventional or APEL(A) route mode of entry
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) or any other methods of self-learning
- postgraduate level of study - credit award is limited only to the courses in programmes conducted via coursework and mixed modes
- All disciplines and MQF level (from Level 3 - Certificate to Level 8-Doctoral Degree)
- No minimum age requirement
- For all courses except for final year project, thesis and dissertation
Pre-Application Process
- APEL(C) application at APEL(C) Unit
- An Advisor will decide a topic for the student to write a 500-word report
Application Process
- Application fee of RM500.00 per course and submit the APEL(C) application form to APEL(C) Unit
- The Advisor will decide appropriate mode of assessment (a Challenge Test or a Portfolio)
- Students who fail the Challenge Test of a specific course will not be allowed to submit a Portfolio for assessment for the same course and vice versa
- Students are advised to submit their applications for APEL(C) during the FIRST SEMESTER of study
Assessment and Results
- Students will be given at least two weeks’ notice by the Assessor on the date of the Challenge Test and/or Portfolio submission and also the assessment format
- Students must demonstrate an achievement of at least 50% of each Course Learning Outcome to satisfy the requirement of credit awards
- No reattempts of assessment are allowed
- Students may appeal against the results with a fee of RM100.00 per course. This must be done within two weeks after the release of the student’s result. Any appeal received after this period shall not be entertained
IUKL Programmes for APEL(C) assessment
- Non-professional diploma, Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programmes
- Non-professional Master’s degree programmes fields as listed in the MQA approved list
- Non-professional coursework based doctoral programmes