On the 14th of December 2016, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee from the Faculty of Arts, Communication and Education (FACE) organized a visit to Rumah Asnaf Al-Barakh (RAAB). The committee was specifically formed to help 47 orphans and abandoned children aged 1 to 18 years at the orphanage as well as to provide an opportunity for FACE staff to get together to spend quality time with the children there.
Themed ‘For Humanity’, a donation drive was earlier held for three days, the 21st of November 2016, 28th of November 2016 and the 8th of December 2016 involving most of the FACE staff at the Advertising Studio, Block A (IUKL).
Following the donation drive, all FACE staff members were invited to join the trip to RAAB wearing jerseys designed by the CSR Committee. The CSR Committee including the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Communication and Education, Professor Dr. Faridah, the Head of Postgraduate Programmes, Professor Dr. Siti Maziha and the Head of the Language Studies Department, Ms. Pramita went on the visit.
The donations collected during the drive were presented to Rumah Asnaf Al-Barakh on the same day. Fun activities were organized with the children in addition to a potluck get-together that strengthened the bond and filled the hall with joy and laughter. Goodie bags were distributed to the kids and a hamper including gifts was given to the host, Rumah Asnaf Al-Barakh during the visit.
All in all, the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee’s visit to Rumah Asnaf Al-Barakh by the Faculty of Arts, Communication and Education was a great success for all participants that left them with fond memories.