In November 2012, RMC entered the product that won the gold medal for the Environmental and Renewable Energy category at ITEX 2012 to the iENA – International Trade Fair “IDEAS – INVENTIONS – NOVELTIES” at Nuremberg, Germany from 1st to 4th November 2012. The product that was chosen to compete at iENA was the “Go Green Alum Sludge Pot”. The invention not only solves the disposal problem of alum sludge into the environment, but also produces a useful product from alum sludge that is more economical and environmentally friendly. To be able to enter into the competition at iENA 2012 was indeed a big challenge because nearly 800 inventions from 30 countries from all over the world were presented at iENA. A Gold medal was won for the product, “Go Green Alum Sludge Pot”.Winning a GOLD medal in iENA 2012 was indeed a significant step for facilitating the growth of research and innovation at IUKL.