The 27th International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (ITEX’16) was recently held from 12 to 14 May 2016 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The gold medal team from the ‘Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta 2014 (PERINTIS 2014)’ represented IUKL to compete with other innovators at this prestigious exhibition.
The three-day event was memorable for IUKL as the one and only team representing the university brought home a Gold medal thus marking another astounding accomplishment for IUKL. The team encompassed IUKL’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Roslan Zainal Abidin, Faculty of Engineering and Technology Infrastructure (FETI) lecturer, Ms. Naimah Yusoff; and Dr. Mohd Sofiyan Sulaiman who was the team leader. The product, ‘RON Classification for Forecasting Riverbank Erosion’ won its second Gold medal prior to its win in PERINTIS 2014.
The establishment of “RON” classification software which firmly indicates the relationship between soil composition and river bank erosion can be used as a tool in forecasting the risk level of river bank erosion in five (5) categories namely low, moderate, high, very high and critical.
The International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (ITEX) is an annual invention exhibition which gathers prolific inventors, key local and international players from the invention and innovation, research and development, manufacturing, financing and legal sectors specifically to explore new business ventures and to unveil new inventions or products. More than 20 countries took part in this exhibition.