KPT Code: A9781
The Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering is a program specially designed to groom professional communicators with practical, intellectual, creative, critical, managerial, and research skills grounded in strong ethical practices. This program brings into the classroom real-world issues challenging professionals in the field.
Key Features
- To provide students with flexibility in research and develop students’ intellectual ability in specialised areas of Civil Engineering.
- To equip students with advanced knowledge, tools and techniques that will support their research capability and career development.
- To expose students to the research frontier in various fields of specialisation in Civil Engineering
Learning/Research Methodology
- The research project will be guided by an appointed supervisor.
- Students will be required to attend seminars in their research area.
- Students will be required to present and defend their research proposal at the end of their first quarter of study.
- Students are required to submit monthly progress reports to their supervisors. Periodic consultations will be arranged as set by the supervisor.
- Students are required to publish at least one paper in their research area in an international journal or present at a conference.
- The Postgraduate Studies Committee will review the students’ performance on a quarterly basis.
- Upon completion of their research, students will have to present and defend their thesis.
Research Areas
Construction ENgineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Highway & Pavement Engineering
Structural Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Doctoral Degree by Research
i. A master’s degree in the field or related fields accepted by the HEP Senate;
ii. Other qualifications equivalent to a master’s degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia.
iii. Candidates without a related qualification in the field(s) or working experience in the relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the HEP.
English Language Requirement
For International students, TOEFL score of 500 OR IELTS score of 5.0 OR its equivalent.